Solin Showdown: Did $50k in cash prizes matter?

The Solin Showdown stats are here!

Our first ever Solin Showdown just finished…did the $50,000 in cash prizes even matter?

Hey Creator,

We started our first ever Solin Showdown in October, working with 28 of our top creator partners. For those of you that don’t know anything about the Solin Showdown - Solin sponsored $50,000 of cash prizes. Consumers could purchase any of the 28 participating challenges to be eligible for the cash prizes.

It cost creators nothing to take part, they just had to follow a few marketing guidelines. So let’s get down to the most important question - did the added cash prizes even help?

The short answer - YES. Many creators that participated launched their biggest challenges ever. This happened even though we ran the Showdown in October (which is historically not the best month to launch).

Here is a breakdown of a few crazy stats from the showdown:

  • Repeat Purchasers: Almost 40% of purchasers were repeat purchasers. This is nearly double what we see in an average month.

  • Solin Driven Transactions: Solin features were responsible for nearly 20% of revenue across the platform during the Showdown. The most dramatic increases came from our home page & our referrals.

  • Transformations: Showdown participants were almost 3x as likely to submit before photos (which means Showdown creators will have plenty of transformations to help grow their business in 2025)

  • 1BILLION LBS LIFTED: Showdown participants collectively lifted over 1 billion pounds. That is 1,000,000,000 lbs!!

While most creators that were offered the opportunity said yes, there were a few where timing did not quite line up! And there were plenty of other creators that wanted to join, but we elected to keep the slots curated & minimal. Let us know what you think - should we open up more spots for next year?? Reply to this email & let us know.

And keep an eye out for some exciting Black Friday opportunities that our team is prepping. A huge thank you to all of the showdown creators and also a big thank you to every creator that used Solin in 2024. We have collectively helped tens of thousands get healthier!

Michael & the Solin Team