3-2-1 Method: Build A Superpower Community In 10 Mins / Week

Why Does Community Matter?

3-2-1 Method: Build A Superpower Community In 10 Mins / Week

Hey Creator,

Today, one of our partners asked: how can I increase retention in my membership? How can I get more people coming back for my challenges?

We get this question all the time.

And I'm a bit mad at myself that I didn't write something to address this sooner.

Retention & growth are all about community.

Put yourself in your buyers’ shoes.

Imagine joining a fitness challenge that is PDF only.

No community.

No participation from your ‘coach'

Nobody hyping you up.

How long would you stick with it?

If they offered another challenge 3 months from now, would you buy?

People come for the content. They come for you - the creator.

But they stay for the community.

So today, I wrote up a framework called the 3-2-1 method.

It's a framework for building your own superpower community for your challenges in 10-minutes a week.

Click HERE to check it out (it's a 3 minute read).

Any questions, let us know.

-Mathew & the Solin Team